Online Watercolour for Improvers: Developing further skills
Tuesday, 22th April 2025
Tuesday, 24th June 2025
11.00 (nominal)
10 weeks
Sarah Colgate
This course is suitable for those who have completed the beginners and improvers courses with me and those who have basic skills in watercolour painting. Skills and confidence will be further developed in applying watercolours to paint a variety of subject matter. Study in the comfort of your own home at a time that suits you and have individual feedback on your work if you wish.
If you wish to book a place on one or more course(s), please email, telephone or write to us to check there is a space available. Payment details will be given after which we shall hold your place for 3 days to allow you time to pay either by BACS or by cheque. For further details please see Booking.
A detailed handout will be emailed to you each week with instructions, tasks, illustrations, etc. along with a link to a demonstration on YouTube. The sessions are 2 hours long for carrying out tasks and practicing, but you can carry out the work at a time convenient to you. Extra work ‘homework’ for 2 hours, is encouraged but it is optional. Individual feedback on the work you send to me will be given by email.
Set of good quality watercolour paints, for example Winsor & Newton ‘Cotman Student Watercolour’ or ‘Artists’ Watercolour/Professional Watercolour’ (to include Lemon yellow, Cadmium yellow, Cadmium red, Alizarin crimson, Ultramarine, Prussian blue, Yellow ochre, Burnt sienna, Burnt umber, Violet, Viridian, Sap green or their equivalents)), watercolour paper: Good quality ‘Bockingford’ watercolour paper (size A4 140lb (300gsm), ‘NOT’ (or cold pressed) surface), variety of soft watercolour brushes (flats (square ended) ½” (12mm) and ¾” (20mm) rounds (bullet shaped) sizes 1 (fine), 7 and 10 ), 2 large pots for water, palette for mixing and diluting paint, drawing board (for example 3 – 5mm plywood), masking tape (1” (2.5mm) wide), pencil (HB, 2B), tracing paper (A4), ruler, rubber, sketch pad, masking fluid, opaque white gouache or poster paint, white candle wax (birthday candles, tapers, etc.), sandpaper, plastic card (old credit card), cling film, dip pen, waterproof drawing pen, non-waterproof colour felt tips (children’s felt tips are quite good), newspaper or plastic tablecloth to protect table, apron or similar to protect clothes. Optional: Spray bottle